Doc West - Nobody ist zurück
Giulio Base, Terence HillSchauspieler:
Terence Hill, Paul Sorvino, Boots Southerland, Clare Carey, Adam Taylor, Alessio Di Clemente, Kisha Sierra, Micah Alberti, Linus Huffman, Maria Bethke, Gianni Biasetti, Darrian Chavez, Benjamin PetryAls ihn Banditen um seine Pokergewinne erleichtern, die er gerade erst in der Postkutsche deponiert hat, macht sich der legendäre Doc West auf die Suche nach den Schlimmfingern. In der nächsten Stadt, dem verträumten Holy Sand, wird er fündig und bittet zum Duell am Pokertisch, was allerdings damit endet, dass Doc im Knast landet. Dort erfährt der einstige Gesetzlose von den Machenschaften des dubiosen Sheriffs und muss sich entscheiden, auf welcher Seite er künftig stehen will.
After bandits steal his poker winnings this American legend makes his way to the next town in search of them. Seeking out his revenge during a poker game gone bad Doc West finds himself in the local town jail. When his past is exposed and a battle amongst the town breaks out in gunfire he will have to choose sides, between the outlaws or the law-abiding citizens.
After bandits steal his poker winnings this American legend makes his way to the next town in search of them. Seeking out his revenge during a poker game gone bad Doc West finds himself in the local town jail. When his past is exposed and a battle amongst the town breaks out in gunfire he will have to choose sides, between the outlaws or the law-abiding citizens.