Doll Man - Der Space-Cop!
Albert PyunSchauspieler:
Tim Thomerson, Jackie Earle Haley, Kamala Lopez, Humberto Ortiz, Nicholas Guest, Judd Omen, Michael Halsey, Frank Doubleday, Frank Collison, Vincent Klyn, John Durbin, Merle Kennedy, Luis Contreras, Eugene Robert Glazer, Samantha Phillips, Dyana OrtelliCop Richards ist der härteste Bulle auf seinem Heimatplaneten Arturus. Doch als ihn eine “Zeitfalle” mitsamt dem schlimmsten Verbrecher seiner Heimat mitten in das Wasteland der New Yorker South Bronx beamt, gerät die Selbstsicherheit des coolen Gesetzesmannes doch arg ins Wanken. Richards ist nämlich, wie die meisten Bewohner Arturus, nur knappe 30 cm groß. Seine Pistole allerdings ist von derart drastischem Kaliber, daß sie auch noch in den bösen Buben New Yorks faustgroße Löcher hinterläßt. Und das ist auch gut so, denn bald verbündet sich sein Widersacher mit einer harten Drogengang, und Richards, der nur mehr “Dollman” (Puppenmann) gerufen wird, bekommt mehr Arbeit denn je.
Brick Bardo is a traveller from outer space who is forced to land on Earth. Though regular sized on his home planet, he is doll-sized here on Earth, as are the enemy forces who have landed as well. While Brick enlists the help of an impoverished girl and her son, the bad guys enlist the help of a local gang. When word leaks out as to his location, and all hell breaks loose. Brick is besieged by an onslaught of curious kids, angry gang members, and his own doll-sized enemies, and he must protect the family who has helped him and get off the planet alive.
Brick Bardo is a traveller from outer space who is forced to land on Earth. Though regular sized on his home planet, he is doll-sized here on Earth, as are the enemy forces who have landed as well. While Brick enlists the help of an impoverished girl and her son, the bad guys enlist the help of a local gang. When word leaks out as to his location, and all hell breaks loose. Brick is besieged by an onslaught of curious kids, angry gang members, and his own doll-sized enemies, and he must protect the family who has helped him and get off the planet alive.