Dominion Exorzist - Der Anfang des Bösen
Paul SchraderSchauspieler:
Stellan Skarsgård, Gabriel Mann, Clara Bellar, Billy Crawford, Ralph Brown, Israel Aduramo, Andrew French, Antonie Kamerling, Julian Wadham, Eddie Osei, Ilario Bisi-Pedro, Niall Refoy, Lorenzo Camporese, Burt Caesar, Marcello Santoni, Griet van Damme1947, Britisch-Ostafrika. Eine Gruppe von Archäologen entdeckt eine auffällig gut erhaltene byzantinische Kirche, die reich mit Mosaiken verziert ist. Die Bilder portraitieren auf eindringliche Weise die Schlacht zwischen Erzengel Michael und Luzifer. Imposante Statuen bewachen still die Pforten des Gotteshauses. Unterhalb der Kirche finden die Forscher eine Gruft mit Überresten eines satanischen Opferrituals. Den Wissenschaftlern wird allmählich klar, dass die Kirche nie für Gottesdienste vorgesehen war, sondern als Siegel für die Gruft und dessen Inhalt diente. Ein Siegel, das sie brachen und das das Böse in seinem Inneren nicht mehr aufhalten kann...
Having lived through traumatizing events during WWII, Father Lankester Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to conduct archaeological excavations in British-administered East Africa. Merrin unearths an ancient Byzantine church believed have been built and then immediately buried to keep down evil from the crypt below. The natives are convinced that uncovering the church has unleashed a demon, and begin to violently clash with the British military troops. As the village rapidly disintegrates into chaos and war, a disabled and terribly injured local boy befriends Merrin and his condition begins to radically and implausibly improve. Is it a miracle from God, or something more sinister?
Having lived through traumatizing events during WWII, Father Lankester Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to conduct archaeological excavations in British-administered East Africa. Merrin unearths an ancient Byzantine church believed have been built and then immediately buried to keep down evil from the crypt below. The natives are convinced that uncovering the church has unleashed a demon, and begin to violently clash with the British military troops. As the village rapidly disintegrates into chaos and war, a disabled and terribly injured local boy befriends Merrin and his condition begins to radically and implausibly improve. Is it a miracle from God, or something more sinister?