Don - Das Spiel beginnt
Farhan AkhtarSchauspieler:
Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Arjun Rampal, Isha Koppikar, Boman Irani, Om Puri, Diwakar Pundir, Rajesh Khattar, Kareena Kapoor, Tanay Chheda, Sushma Reddy, Chunky Pandey, Pavan MalhotraNiemanden würde Kommissar DeSilva lieber hinter Schloss und Riegel bringen als den Drogengangster Don. Doch Don ist schwer zu fassen und hat gerade erst wieder einen Maulwurf in den eigenen Reihen unschädlich gemacht. Als Don bei einer Verfolgungsjagd verletzt wird, nutzt DeSilva die Gelegenheit und lässt den Kleingauner Vijay, der Don aufs Haar gleicht, in die Identität des Gangsters schlüpfen. So will er alles über die Bande erfahren. Doch auch eine eiskalte Rächerin erwartet den ahnungslosen Vijay.
Einer der teuersten indischen Filme überhaupt ist dieses brandneue Remake eines gleichnamigen Bollywood-Klassikers. In dem epischen Gangsterthriller mit Comedy-Elementen überzeugt Indiens Charmebolzen Shahrukh Khan zwar nur bedingt als eiskalter Unterweltler, darf aber zum Glück auch noch einen harmlosen Tölpel auf glattem Parkett simulieren, was ihm naturgemäß schon weit besser gelingt. Freunde des exotischen Gangsterfilms erwartet eine elegante, dynamische Inszenierung mit wenigen Actionhöhepunkten, ein paar Pointen und viel Romantikflitter.
A huge South Asian law enforcement contingent embarks on a dangerous cat-and-mouse game of capturing DON (Shah Rukh Khan) - high-ranking member of the ruthless drug mafia in Malaysia. When DON gets seriously injured in a police encounter, the word that he is dead begins to do the rounds. The reality, of course, is that DON is held captive in a secret location, while his bumpkin of a look-alike, Vijay, is polished and sent to infiltrate DON's gang. In a bizarre twist of fate, when the policeman shielding the humble street singer Vijay, is killed, the latter comes to terms with the horrifying realization that both the police and the gang are out to get him for different reasons. In a desperate attempt to prove his innocence, he is aided by the glamorous Roma (Priyanka Chopra), and ex-con Jasjit (Arjun Rampal), who owes Vijay a debt for caring for his son during his imprisonment. But will Vijay be successful in his mission?
A huge South Asian law enforcement contingent embarks on a dangerous cat-and-mouse game of capturing DON (Shah Rukh Khan) - high-ranking member of the ruthless drug mafia in Malaysia. When DON gets seriously injured in a police encounter, the word that he is dead begins to do the rounds. The reality, of course, is that DON is held captive in a secret location, while his bumpkin of a look-alike, Vijay, is polished and sent to infiltrate DON's gang. In a bizarre twist of fate, when the policeman shielding the humble street singer Vijay, is killed, the latter comes to terms with the horrifying realization that both the police and the gang are out to get him for different reasons. In a desperate attempt to prove his innocence, he is aided by the glamorous Roma (Priyanka Chopra), and ex-con Jasjit (Arjun Rampal), who owes Vijay a debt for caring for his son during his imprisonment. But will Vijay be successful in his mission?