DopeUnder - Kleine Deals Downunder
Aaron SingfieldSchauspieler:
Nathan Wright, Chris Schmuttermaier, Robert Griffiths, Mercedes PorterIn ganz Australien findet eine großangelegte, mit harter Hand geführte Offensive gegen den Drogenhandel statt. Ausgerechnet zu diesem Zeitpunkt finden die beiden High-School-Absolventen CJ und Nate einen riesigen Sack voll Marihuana. Was tun damit? Der Rat eines älteren Bruders entpuppt sich kurzerhand als Schnapsidee und schnell geraten die beiden Jungs unbemerkt zwischen die Fronten des laufenden Drogenkrieges.
Teenie-Komödie aus Australien, die sich gerne mit “Superbad” messen würde.
A story of two wannabe Schoolies on the Gold Coast during a state-wide crackdown on drugs. The boys stumble upon a stash of "weed", and through the misguidance of an older brother trying to replace his earlier Schoolies experience, they get caught up in the war on drugs waged by the authorities. Selling drugs to earn enough money to replace a broken heirloom they are oblivious to the battle around them. As they are pursued by an overzealous Police Chief and a violent underworld, they aim to be kings and make this the best Schoolies ever.
A story of two wannabe Schoolies on the Gold Coast during a state-wide crackdown on drugs. The boys stumble upon a stash of "weed", and through the misguidance of an older brother trying to replace his earlier Schoolies experience, they get caught up in the war on drugs waged by the authorities. Selling drugs to earn enough money to replace a broken heirloom they are oblivious to the battle around them. As they are pursued by an overzealous Police Chief and a violent underworld, they aim to be kings and make this the best Schoolies ever.