Dor - Liebe deinen Nächsten
Nagesh KukunoorSchauspieler:
Ayesha Takia, Shreyas Talpade, Gul Panag, Girish Karnad, Prateeksha LonkarZeenat (Gul Panag), eine junge, selbstbewußte Frau, verliebt sich und heiratet Amir (Rushad Rana) am Tag vor seiner Abreise nach Saudi Arabien. Zur selben Zeit an einem anderen Ort sagt Meera (Ayesha) ihrem neuen Ehemann Shankar (Anirudh Jaykar), der auch nach Arabien reist, lebe wohl. Eines Tages erreicht beide eine schreckliche Nachricht. Shankar wurde getötet und man verdächtigt Amir des Mordes. Das Glück von Zeenat und das Leben von Amir liegen jetzt in Meeras Händen. Nur sie allein kann Amir begnadigen und ihn vor der Hinrichtung bewahren. Eine herzzerreißende Geschichte über Liebe, Verlust, Freundschaft und Hoffnung.
Shankar Singh and his wife, Meera, live in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India along with widowed paternal grandmother, Laxmibai, his mom, Gowri, and dad, Randhir. The family feel that they are blessed after Meera's entry in this family. Shankar must go and abroad in Saudi Arabia and bids farewell to Meera, promising to keep in touch, which he does, and also sends them a large portion of his earnings, which is used to pay off the family's debts. Then when no word is received from him, a worried Meera phones, and is devastated to learn that Shankar has been killed by being thrown off a 10th floor balcony. Her status quickly changes, her jewelery, ornaments, fancy clothes are taken off, and she is told to remain indoors. wear dark clothes, and is only allowed to pray at a Mandir.
Shankar Singh and his wife, Meera, live in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India along with widowed paternal grandmother, Laxmibai, his mom, Gowri, and dad, Randhir. The family feel that they are blessed after Meera's entry in this family. Shankar must go and abroad in Saudi Arabia and bids farewell to Meera, promising to keep in touch, which he does, and also sends them a large portion of his earnings, which is used to pay off the family's debts. Then when no word is received from him, a worried Meera phones, and is devastated to learn that Shankar has been killed by being thrown off a 10th floor balcony. Her status quickly changes, her jewelery, ornaments, fancy clothes are taken off, and she is told to remain indoors. wear dark clothes, and is only allowed to pray at a Mandir.