Double Zero
Gérard PirèsSchauspieler:
Eric Judor, Ramzy Bedia, Edouard Baer, Georgianna Robertson, François Chattot, Didier Flamand, Rossy de Palma, Nino Kirtadze, François Berland, Inna Zobova, Elena SoldatovaTop-Terroristin Natty Dreads (Georgianna Robertson) hat in Russland eine Atomwaffe gestohlen. Der französische Geheimdienst setzt als Lockvogel die beiden Zivilisten Ben (Eric Judor) und Will (Ramzy Bedia) auf den Fall an. Doch trotz einer Blitz-Agentenausbildung stellen sich die beiden wie Anfänger an und sorgen für reichlich Chaos.
Ben and Bill are the two worst, completely useless agents - real losers. But who else would you send on a super-difficult top-secret mission? The French have just sold a new high-power M51 rocket to the Russians for crazy money. Unfortunately for them, the rocket was hijacked before they could get it of their hands. However, not just any fool is up to neutralizing this threat, but only the craziest and most stupid of them can cope with such a task.
Ben and Bill are the two worst, completely useless agents - real losers. But who else would you send on a super-difficult top-secret mission? The French have just sold a new high-power M51 rocket to the Russians for crazy money. Unfortunately for them, the rocket was hijacked before they could get it of their hands. However, not just any fool is up to neutralizing this threat, but only the craziest and most stupid of them can cope with such a task.