Dr. Giggles
Evan Rendell hatte als Sohn eines “Mad Scientists” und Hobby-Frankenstein, dessen Spezialität Herztransplantionen ohne Betäubung waren, keine leichte Kindheit. Als erwachsener Psychopath wird er bald von den gleichen Wahnvorstellungen wie der Vater befallen und rückt mit Weißkittel und Instrumentenkoffer aus dem Irrenhaus aus, um in seiner kleinen Heimatstadt ein paar zufällig vorbeikommende Teenager auf recht blutige Weise zu “behandeln”.
In 1957, Evan Rendell flees after his father is lynched for killing multiple patients in his effort to find a replacement heart for his ailing wife. After 35 years, Evan escapes from a mental institution and returns to town for revenge, killing off residents one by one. When Jennifer and her friends break into the Rendell house out of morbid curiosity, Evan notices Jennifer has a heart condition similar to his mother and decides to make her his final victim.
In 1957, Evan Rendell flees after his father is lynched for killing multiple patients in his effort to find a replacement heart for his ailing wife. After 35 years, Evan escapes from a mental institution and returns to town for revenge, killing off residents one by one. When Jennifer and her friends break into the Rendell house out of morbid curiosity, Evan notices Jennifer has a heart condition similar to his mother and decides to make her his final victim.