Dr. T and the Women
Robert AltmanSchauspieler:
Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Liv Tyler, Kate Hudson, Farrah Fawcett, Laura Dern, Shelley Long, Tara Reid, Robert Hays, Matt Malloy, Andy Richter, Lee Grant, Janine Turner, Jeanne Evans, Sarah ShahiDer texanische Gynäkologe Dr. Sullivan Travis (Richard Gere) hat eine magnetische Wirkung auf Frauen. Sein Wartezimmer wird von hysterischen Patientinnen regelrecht belagert - mit allen (un)erfreulichen Nebenwirkungen. Doch die wahren Probleme von Dr. T sind seine Familie: Gattin Kate (Farrah Fawcett) schnappt eines Tages über, badet nackt im öffentlichen Brunnen und landet in der Anstalt, Tochter Dee Dee (Kate Hudson) überrascht mit Heiratsplänen.
Episodenhafter Reigen, bei dem Robert Altman seine "Short Cuts" unter erotischen Aspekten neu aufrollt und Frauenschwarm Richard Gere in der High Society von Dallas platziert. Das sorgt für Furore in einer fabelhaft besetzten, ironischen Liebeserklärung an die Damenwelt.
Dr. Sullivan Travis is a man at the top of his game, a rich and successful Dallas gynecologist whose "religion" is women. Dr. T. worships women. In his immediate family and in his office, they surround him. He is loving and giving to each and every one at all times -- he is their savior. And sure enough, as in the story of Job, one day a higher force decides to test his faith. Once a man in complete control of his universe, Dr. T. now finds himself buffeted by chaos and confusion.
Dr. Sullivan Travis is a man at the top of his game, a rich and successful Dallas gynecologist whose "religion" is women. Dr. T. worships women. In his immediate family and in his office, they surround him. He is loving and giving to each and every one at all times -- he is their savior. And sure enough, as in the story of Job, one day a higher force decides to test his faith. Once a man in complete control of his universe, Dr. T. now finds himself buffeted by chaos and confusion.