Dragonball Z - The Movie: Die Todeszone des Garlic Jr.
Daisuke NishioSchauspieler:
Toshio Furukawa, Mayumi Tanaka, Akira Kamiya, Masako Nozawa, Daisuke Gouri, Naoko Watanabe, Kenji Utsumi, Hiromi Tsuru, Kōhei MiyauchiDer fiese Giftzwerg Garlic Jr. sucht die sieben Dragon Balls, um sich von Shenlong ewiges Leben zu wünschen. Sein Plan gelingt, und er sieht sich schon als allmächtigen Tyrann. Doch er macht einen Fehler: er entführt Son-Gohan, und das macht Son-Goku verdammt wütend! Zusammen mit Piccolo greift er Garlic Jr. an, doch jemand, der ewig lebt, ist ein schwerer Gegner. Und dann öffnet sich das Tor zur Todeszone...
Gohan has been kidnapped! To make matters worse, the evil Garlic Jr. is gathering the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Only then will Garlic Jr. be able to take over the Earth in order to gain revenge for the death of his father. Goku rushes to save Gohan, but arrives at the fortress just as Garlic Jr. summons the Eternal Dragon! Krillin and Piccolo try to help Goku, but their combined powers.
Gohan has been kidnapped! To make matters worse, the evil Garlic Jr. is gathering the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Only then will Garlic Jr. be able to take over the Earth in order to gain revenge for the death of his father. Goku rushes to save Gohan, but arrives at the fortress just as Garlic Jr. summons the Eternal Dragon! Krillin and Piccolo try to help Goku, but their combined powers.