Drecksau - Es ist Zeit, versaut zu sein
Jon S. BairdSchauspieler:
Imogen Poots, James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Jim Broadbent, Shauna Macdonald, Iain De Caestecker, Kate Dickie, Shirley Henderson, Eddie Marsan, John Sessions, Gary Lewis, Brian McCardie, Emun Elliott, Joanne Froggatt, Martin CompstonDer Edinburgher Inspektor Bruce Robertson ist korrupt bis ins Mark. Da er kurz vor einer Beförderung steht, begeht der heillos Drogen- und Sexsüchtige freiwillig jede verwerfliche Schandtat. Ihm geht es weniger darum, den brutalen Mord an einem Asiaten aufzuklären, sondern vielmehr, mit gezielten Intrigen konkurrierende Kollegen auszuschalten, und das direkt vor der Nase seines Chefs Toal. Während er jedes schmutzige Geheimnis seiner Abteilung nutzt, ahnt niemand, dass ihn Frau und Kind verlassen haben. Unterdessen driftet Robertson in unkontrollierten Drogenwahn.
Sex, nicht ganz so viel Gewalt, aber umso mehr derbe Gossensprache markieren die grotesk-satirische Adaption von Irvine Welshs Roman, der "Trainspotting" in puncto Provokation in nichts nachsteht. Die furiose Filmversion von Jon S. Baird vereint komische Überzeichnungen bis zur Parodie mit einer halluzinatorischen Höllenfahrt in seelische Abgründe in einem tragischen Psychodrama. Vollblutschauspieler James McAvoy ("Abbitte") wandelt mit seiner Tour de Force als schizophrener Antiheld auf den Spuren von "Shame".
Scheming Bruce Robertson (James McAvoy), a bigoted and corrupt policeman, is in line for a promotion and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Enlisted to solve a brutal murder and threatened by the aspirations of his colleagues, including Ray Lennox (Jamie Bell), Bruce sets about ensuring their ruin, right under the nose of unwitting Chief Inspector Toal. As he turns his colleagues against one another by stealing their wives and exposing their secrets, Bruce starts to lose himself in a web of deceit that he can no longer control. His past is slowly catching up with him, and a missing wife, a crippling drug habit and suspicious colleagues start to take their toll on his sanity. The question is: can he keep his grip on reality long enough to disentangle himself from the filth?
Scheming Bruce Robertson (James McAvoy), a bigoted and corrupt policeman, is in line for a promotion and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Enlisted to solve a brutal murder and threatened by the aspirations of his colleagues, including Ray Lennox (Jamie Bell), Bruce sets about ensuring their ruin, right under the nose of unwitting Chief Inspector Toal. As he turns his colleagues against one another by stealing their wives and exposing their secrets, Bruce starts to lose himself in a web of deceit that he can no longer control. His past is slowly catching up with him, and a missing wife, a crippling drug habit and suspicious colleagues start to take their toll on his sanity. The question is: can he keep his grip on reality long enough to disentangle himself from the filth?