Drug Lord - Ein Mann riskiert alles
Hector EchavarriaSchauspieler:
Hector Echavarria, Danny Trejo, Estella Warren, Robert Miano, Carlotta Bosch, Patrick Kilpatrick, Amin JosephEinst stand Juan de los Santos, Undercover-Cop aus Paraguay, kurz davor, eines der mächtigsten Drogenkartelle Lateinamerikas hochzunehmen. Dann jedoch stellten ihm die Gangster eine Falle, ermordeten seine Frau und seine Tochter, und ließen ihn mit einer Kugel im Herzen und einer im Hirn für tot zurück. Nun kann sich Juan an nicht mehr viel erinnern, leidet unter Schlaflosigkeit und hegt suizidale Tendenzen. Gegen die Unruhe in der Nacht heuert er als Spüler in einem Nachtclub an. Dort trifft er auf vertraute Zustände und alte Bekannte.
Hector Echavarria, Martial-Arts-Star mit argentinischen Wurzeln, lässt erst den Charakterdarsteller raushängen und tut dann doch, was er am besten kann, in diesem schlicht, aber effektiv gestrickten, optisch ansprechend angerichteten und actiongeladenen Low-Budget-Thriller.
Juan de los Santos, a former undercover cop from Paraguay, once ready to take down the biggest drug cartel in Latin America, has lost everything; his wife and kids brutally murdered on a cold dark night and with them, his will to live. Juan, himself didn't survive unscathed; on that cold night he took two bullets, one still in his heart, the other one damaging a part of his brain, cursing him sporadic amnesia. In an internal and external struggle with his own demons, Juan must defeat incredible odds to save innocent people. Sleepless, and afflicted by treacherous nightmares of that night, he is willing to take any job to alleviate his suffering.
Juan de los Santos, a former undercover cop from Paraguay, once ready to take down the biggest drug cartel in Latin America, has lost everything; his wife and kids brutally murdered on a cold dark night and with them, his will to live. Juan, himself didn't survive unscathed; on that cold night he took two bullets, one still in his heart, the other one damaging a part of his brain, cursing him sporadic amnesia. In an internal and external struggle with his own demons, Juan must defeat incredible odds to save innocent people. Sleepless, and afflicted by treacherous nightmares of that night, he is willing to take any job to alleviate his suffering.