Dschingis Khan - Die Legende der 10 Reiter
D. Jolbayar, U. ShagdarsurenSchauspieler:
T. Altanshagai, B. Amarcanihan, C. AriunbyambaIm Zentralasien des frühen 13. Jahrhunderts entsendet der Mongolenherrscher Dschingis Khan eine zehnköpfige Eliteeinheit, um einen bedeutenden Arzt von einem befreundeten Stamm abzuholen und ins Hauptquartier zu geleiten. Unterwegs stößt die Einheit auf die Trümmer einer niedergebrannten Siedlung, findet darin einen lebenden Säugling und adoptiert den Knaben nach alter Sitte. Nun jedoch haben sie einen unerbittlichen Verfolger, denn ein feindlicher Stammesführer macht die Mongolen für den Angriff auf seine Familie verantwortlich.
Episches Historienabenteuer, eine spannende, actiongeladene Verfolgungsjagd in beeindruckenden Naturkulissen mit allen handwerklichen Finessen einer prestigeträchtigen asiatischen Großproduktion. Als Betrachter ist es nicht immer ganz einfach, die bärtigen wilden Kerle in ihren verdreckten Uniformen auseinander zu halten, doch für spannendes Action-Entertainment und Dramatik auf hohem formalem Niveau ist gesorgt. Für Asia-Filmfans und Geschichtsinteressierte geeignet.
A little known fact is that Chinggis Khaan, better known as Genghis Khan, would collect orphans from his bloody battlefields and have his own mother raise them. These adopted brothers grew up to become his most loyal officials and advisers. Khaan organised his Mongol soldiers into groups according to the decimal system. Soldiers were arranged in units of 10 ("aravt"), 100 ("zuut"), 1,000 ("minghan") and 10,000 ("tumen"). Each unit had an appointed leader reporting to a larger unit. A 10-person "aravt" unit is ordered by Khaan to locate a skilled doctor who lives in a forest. En route, they discover an abandoned baby. He is in fact the child of an enemy warrior who gives pursuit, even though they have saved the child's life. Whilst protecting the child from attacks from enemy soldiers, the members of the "aravt" must also complete their mission. Through their actions, they demonstrate the benevolence and bravery of Mongol warriors as the final battle closes in.
A little known fact is that Chinggis Khaan, better known as Genghis Khan, would collect orphans from his bloody battlefields and have his own mother raise them. These adopted brothers grew up to become his most loyal officials and advisers. Khaan organised his Mongol soldiers into groups according to the decimal system. Soldiers were arranged in units of 10 ("aravt"), 100 ("zuut"), 1,000 ("minghan") and 10,000 ("tumen"). Each unit had an appointed leader reporting to a larger unit. A 10-person "aravt" unit is ordered by Khaan to locate a skilled doctor who lives in a forest. En route, they discover an abandoned baby. He is in fact the child of an enemy warrior who gives pursuit, even though they have saved the child's life. Whilst protecting the child from attacks from enemy soldiers, the members of the "aravt" must also complete their mission. Through their actions, they demonstrate the benevolence and bravery of Mongol warriors as the final battle closes in.