Dum - Blutige Rache
Die Freunde Uday und Mohan heuern bei der Kriminalpolizei an, wo justament Offizier Sharma der Korruption den Kampf angesagt hat. Dem multikriminellen Inspektor Shankar sind die ehrlichen Cops ein Dorn im Auge, wenig lässt der sinistre Strippenzieher unversucht, um Sharma zu diskreditieren und seine Männer umzudrehen. Als Shankar eines schlechten Tages Hand an Udays Braut legt, geht er einen Schritt zu weit und provoziert einen wilden Schlagabtausch aus Rache und Gegenrache.
Uday dreams of becoming a police officer and serving his country. His dream is accompanied by a fierce determination and drive to make his dream come true. Even as he courageously treads on his chosen path, he is confronted by the face of evil in the form of a crooked police officer, Shankar. But Uday soon meets with a television employee named Kaveri and once again finds his life upside down.
Uday dreams of becoming a police officer and serving his country. His dream is accompanied by a fierce determination and drive to make his dream come true. Even as he courageously treads on his chosen path, he is confronted by the face of evil in the form of a crooked police officer, Shankar. But Uday soon meets with a television employee named Kaveri and once again finds his life upside down.