Durchgebrannt aus Liebe
David FisherSchauspieler:
Matt Dillon, Cindy Fisher, Christopher Connelly, Hoyt Axton, Margaret Blye, Susan Tyrrell, Yvonne De Carlo, Broderick Crawford, Molly McCarthy, Tiffany Strettner, David Underwood, Clint Hughes, Pat Perkins, Jim Greenleaf, Tonja Walker, Ed HolmesEin verliebtes junges Pärchen flieht, weil die Eltern sich gegen eine Ehe sperren, nach Louisiana, um zu heiraten. Einigen glücklichen Monaten folgt das tragische Ende, ausgelöst durch die irrtümliche Nachricht, daß der Mann der illegitime Bruder seiner Frau sei.
In East Texas, the summer after high school, Jack falls in love with Ginny, the daughter of the town's banker (Jack's mom's high school sweetheart). Ginny's been at boarding school; she's headed for Vassar. Over her father's strenuous objections, she spends time with Jack. At summer's end, Jack and Ginny elope to Louisiana (where 17-year-olds can marry without their parents' permission), and he gets a job in the oil fields. Her dad hires a menacing private eye to find them, Ginny's pregnant, her town doctor gives her horrible news, and Jack's mom has her own agenda. It seems that Jack and Ginny have grown up under a liar's moon. What will these sweethearts do?
In East Texas, the summer after high school, Jack falls in love with Ginny, the daughter of the town's banker (Jack's mom's high school sweetheart). Ginny's been at boarding school; she's headed for Vassar. Over her father's strenuous objections, she spends time with Jack. At summer's end, Jack and Ginny elope to Louisiana (where 17-year-olds can marry without their parents' permission), and he gets a job in the oil fields. Her dad hires a menacing private eye to find them, Ginny's pregnant, her town doctor gives her horrible news, and Jack's mom has her own agenda. It seems that Jack and Ginny have grown up under a liar's moon. What will these sweethearts do?