Dusty, der Wüstenhund
Bill KerrDie Geschichte der ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft zwischen einem australischen Schafhirten und seinem Hund, in dessen Adern Dingoblut fließt und der damit zu den gefürchtetsten Schafräubern des Kontinents gehört. Als der Hund eines Tages verschwindet und zur gleichen Zeit Schafe gerissen werden, machen Farmer Jagd auf den Ausreißer.
Plot The eponymous Dusty is an appropriately named dingo, or wild dog. Roaming the fertile fields of Australia, Dusty is captured as a puppy. Though dingoes are normally averse to human companionship, Dusty attaches himself to an old, worn-out shepherd, played by Bill Kerr. The dog gives Kerr a reason for living, and vice versa. Be sure to have plenty of Kleenex handy for some of the mistier passages of Dusty.
Plot The eponymous Dusty is an appropriately named dingo, or wild dog. Roaming the fertile fields of Australia, Dusty is captured as a puppy. Though dingoes are normally averse to human companionship, Dusty attaches himself to an old, worn-out shepherd, played by Bill Kerr. The dog gives Kerr a reason for living, and vice versa. Be sure to have plenty of Kleenex handy for some of the mistier passages of Dusty.