Dynasty Warrior - Der Krieger des Kaisers
Ching Siu-TungSchauspieler:
Zhang Yimou, Gong Li, Yu Rong-Guang, Wu Tian-Ming, Luk Shu-Ming, Che Bok-Man, David Cheung, Chiu Liu-KongIm China des zweiten Jahrtausend vor Christi Geburt dürstet den regierenden Tyrannen und Mauerbauer Kaiser Qin nach ewigem Leben, weshalb er unter anderem aus dem ganzen Land Jungfrauen zusammen treiben und seinen Alchimisten zuführen lässt. General Fong verliebt sich in eine solche Jungfrau, man gelobt ewige Liebe und geht gemeinsam in den Tod. In den frühen 30er Jahrhunderts kommt es zu einem Wiedersehen, als internationale Grabräuber ihre langen Finger nach Qins Terracotta-Armee ausstrecken.
Ein gutes Jahr, bevor der Regisseur Zhang Yimou mit "Rote Laterne" seinen Siegeszug über die Kunstfilm-Festivals antrat und die Schauspielerin Gong Li im Laufe des folgenden Jahrzehnts zum Weltstar machte, erschienen beide gemeinsam als epochenübergreifendes Liebespaar in diesem reich ausgestatteten Abenteuerdrama und chinesischen "Indiana Jones"-Verschnitt von Actionpionier und "Chinese Ghost Story"-Macher Ching Siu-tung. Opulentes Farb-, Klang- und Bildgewitter aus jener Zeit, in der die moderne Actionästhetik (auch von den Machern dieses Filmes) erfunden wurde.
China 3000 years ago. It's the time of the Qin dynasty. The emperor seeks immortality by busily letting his alchemists search for a formula and building the famous terracotta army from the bodies of outlaws and the condemned. This is the time Mong Tiang Fong and court lady Twon fall deeply in love. Such a thing is not tolerated at the court and when their relationship is discovered both are sentenced to death. In the meantime the alchemists have discovered the formula of immortality, but decide to destroy their work. However Twon gets possession of one immortality pill which she manages to give to Tiang Fong before he's made a terracotta warrior too. China 1930. While on location a film crew discovers parts of the grave of emperor Qin guarded by the terracotta warriors. Tiang Fong, being immortal, awakes...
China 3000 years ago. It's the time of the Qin dynasty. The emperor seeks immortality by busily letting his alchemists search for a formula and building the famous terracotta army from the bodies of outlaws and the condemned. This is the time Mong Tiang Fong and court lady Twon fall deeply in love. Such a thing is not tolerated at the court and when their relationship is discovered both are sentenced to death. In the meantime the alchemists have discovered the formula of immortality, but decide to destroy their work. However Twon gets possession of one immortality pill which she manages to give to Tiang Fong before he's made a terracotta warrior too. China 1930. While on location a film crew discovers parts of the grave of emperor Qin guarded by the terracotta warriors. Tiang Fong, being immortal, awakes...