Ehe im Schatten
Kurt MaetzigSchauspieler:
Paul Klinger, Ilse Steppat, Alfred Balthoff, Claus Holm, Hans Leibelt, Karl Hellmer, Hilde von Stolz, Knut Hartwig, Willy Prager, Lothar Firmans, Liselotte Lieck, Gerda Mallwitz, Walter Werner, Alfred Maack, Lilo Nowka, Rudolf LenelDie Geschichte eines Schauspieler-Ehepaares im Dritten Reich. Hans Wieland lehnt es vehement ab, sich von seiner jüdischen Frau Elisabeth zu trennen. Nur so glaubt er, ihr Leben schützen zu können. Sie versuchen, möglichst "normal" weiterzuleben, immer in der Hoffnung, dass es schon nicht so schlimm werden wird. Hans steht jeden Abend auf der Bühne, doch für Elisabeth wird die Welt immer kleiner. Als er an die Front eingezogen werden soll, droht ihr die Deportation. Hans und Elisabeth Wieland sehen als einzigen Ausweg den Freitod.
Kurt Maetzigs Debütfilm beruht auf der authentischen Biographie des Schauspielers Joachim Gottschalk, der sich im November 1941 mit seiner Frau Meta das Leben nahm.
Set during the rise of the Nazi regime, Elisabeth Maurer and Hans Wieland enjoy successful careers as actors in Berlin. Confident in her career, Elisabeth, who is Jewish, ignores the advice of a colleague to leave Germany in the face of increasing anti-Semitism. Believing that he can protect her if she becomes his wife, Hans convinces Elisabeth to marry him. In the following years, as Hans's career thrives, Elisabeth awaits the end of the Nazi terror which bars her from public life. When the situation worsens in 1938 with the Kristallnacht pogrom, Elisabeth decides to leave the country, but Hans, who still believes he can protect her, convinces her to stay with him.
Set during the rise of the Nazi regime, Elisabeth Maurer and Hans Wieland enjoy successful careers as actors in Berlin. Confident in her career, Elisabeth, who is Jewish, ignores the advice of a colleague to leave Germany in the face of increasing anti-Semitism. Believing that he can protect her if she becomes his wife, Hans convinces Elisabeth to marry him. In the following years, as Hans's career thrives, Elisabeth awaits the end of the Nazi terror which bars her from public life. When the situation worsens in 1938 with the Kristallnacht pogrom, Elisabeth decides to leave the country, but Hans, who still believes he can protect her, convinces her to stay with him.