Ein Elvis kommt selten allein
Joel ZwickSchauspieler:
Kim Basinger, John Corbett, Annie Potts, Sean Astin, Tom Hanks, Denise Richards, Angie Dickinson, Mike Starr, Philip Charles MacKenzie, Richard Kind, David Leisure, Joel Zwick, Pat Morita, Gil McKinney, Roy CostleyHarmony wurde damals auf einem Elivskonzert geboren und verkauft jetzt Kosmetikartikel. Eines Tages tötet sie bei einem Autounfall mehrere Elvisnachahmer und flüchtet vom Tatort. Das FBI beginnt zu ermitteln und Harmony ist immer noch auf der Flucht...
Harmony had an encounter early in life with the young Elvis, and can't seem to shake his influence. Now a Pink Lady selling cosmetics, she seems to inadvertently bring harm to any Elvis impersonators she encounters. After a bizarre car accident leaves a slew of them dead, Harmony goes on the run from the authorities, hooking up with a downtrodden ad exec who has Elvis troubles of his own.
Harmony had an encounter early in life with the young Elvis, and can't seem to shake his influence. Now a Pink Lady selling cosmetics, she seems to inadvertently bring harm to any Elvis impersonators she encounters. After a bizarre car accident leaves a slew of them dead, Harmony goes on the run from the authorities, hooking up with a downtrodden ad exec who has Elvis troubles of his own.