Ein Erbe voller Überraschungen
Kevin ConnorSchauspieler:
Emily Rose, Justin Bruening, Julia Jones, Lindsay Wagner, Jack Scalia, Ramon De Ocampo, Ben GirouxMary (Emily Rose) erbt ein Haus in Massachusetts. Genau hier, behauptet der nette Historiker Everett (Justin Bruening), sei der legendäre "Thanksgiving Day" das erste Mal zelebriert worden. Ja, hat der 'nen Sockenschuss? Sehr, sehr milder Liebesspaß aus dem Hause Hallmark. TV-Routinier Kevin Connor gelingt es nicht, das gewisse Knistern zu erzeugen.
Boston lawyer Mary Ross (Emily Rose of “Haven”) inherits a house in Plymouth, Mass., from her great-aunt and plans to sell it. But soon has a change of heart, which is complicated by local historian, Everett Mather (Justin Breuning) who's research indicates that the houses location might be the site of the orginal Thanksgiving
Boston lawyer Mary Ross (Emily Rose of “Haven”) inherits a house in Plymouth, Mass., from her great-aunt and plans to sell it. But soon has a change of heart, which is complicated by local historian, Everett Mather (Justin Breuning) who's research indicates that the houses location might be the site of the orginal Thanksgiving