Ein Geheimnis
Claude MillerSchauspieler:
Patrick Bruel, Cécile de France, Ludivine Sagnier, Julie Depardieu, Mathieu Amalric, Nathalie Boutefeu, Yves Verhoeven, Yves Jacques, Sam Garbarski, Orlando Nicoletti, Valentin Vigourt, Quentin Dubuis, Robert PlagnolZehn Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Einzelkind François (Valentin Vigourt) ist überfordert. Der 7-Jährige kann die hohen Erwartungen seiner sportlichen Eltern nicht erfüllen: Mutter Tania (Cécile de France) ist eine erstklassige Schwimmerin, Vater Maxime (Patrick Bruel) ein immer noch durchtrainierter Profiathlet. Trost verschafft ihm ein imaginärer Bruder - und die jüdische Nachbarin Louise (Julie Depardieu), die später sein dunkles Familiengeheimnis offenbart.
Nach dem Roman von Philippe Grimbert fächert Regiemeister Claude Miller ("Das Verhör") auf drei Zeitebenen ein bewegendes Familiendrama auf. Er verbindet jüdische Geschichte im Zweiten Weltkrieg über die 50er Jahre bis heute zu einer emotionalen Reise zur deutschen Besetzung Frankreichs.
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.