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Marek KanievskaSchauspieler:
Paul Newman, Linda Fiorentino, Dermot Mulroney, Susan BarnesZwei Menschen, ein Traum. Gentleman-Gangster Henry Manning und die Krankenschwester Carol wollen nur eins: Ausbrechen. Er aus dem Knast, sie aus dem Gefängnis ihres eintönigen Lebens. So ist es wohl Schicksal, dass sich die beiden in dem Pflegeheim kennenlernen, in das Henry nach einem simulierten Schlaganfall eingeliefert wird. Carol durchschaut den Ganoven, holt ihn rigoros ins Leben zurück und überredet ihn dann zu einem Überfall auf einen Geldtransporter. Einziger Risikofaktor: Carols sicherheitsliebender, eifersüchtiger Gatte.
Augenzwinkernder Heist-Thriller im Stil von Noir-Spezialist John Dahl mit gut aufgelegten Stars.
Carol Ann MacKay is a popular nurse at a retirement home, and spends her free time with her hunky athletic husband Wayne MacKay, who would do anything for her, including cleaning up the messes her ideas get them in. When legendary bank robber Henry Manning, who had a major stroke in prison, is placed in the home and supposedly having lost all control over his body, she notices he must be in far better condition then he lets appear. Soon Carol gets his confidence and the two start planning how they three can commit another robbery on an armored money transport.
Carol Ann MacKay is a popular nurse at a retirement home, and spends her free time with her hunky athletic husband Wayne MacKay, who would do anything for her, including cleaning up the messes her ideas get them in. When legendary bank robber Henry Manning, who had a major stroke in prison, is placed in the home and supposedly having lost all control over his body, she notices he must be in far better condition then he lets appear. Soon Carol gets his confidence and the two start planning how they three can commit another robbery on an armored money transport.