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J. Lee ThompsonSchauspieler:
Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen, Lori MartinPsychothriller aus dem Jahr 1962, der auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von John D. MacDonald basiert. Der Psychopath Max Cady kommt frisch aus dem Knast und hat nur eines im Sinn: Rache an seinem Anwalt Sam Bowden, dem er seine langjährige Strafe anlastet. Cady terrorisiert die Familie des Anwalts. 1991 filmte Martin Scorsese ein erfolgreiches Remake.
Sam Bowden, witnesses a rape committed by Max Cady and testifies against him. When released after 8 years in prison, Cady stalks Bowden and his family but is always clever enough not to violate the law. Bowden enlists the aid of a local police chief, a private detective and then hires thugs to harass Cady all to no avail. The film climaxes pitting Bowden and his family against Cady.
Sam Bowden, witnesses a rape committed by Max Cady and testifies against him. When released after 8 years in prison, Cady stalks Bowden and his family but is always clever enough not to violate the law. Bowden enlists the aid of a local police chief, a private detective and then hires thugs to harass Cady all to no avail. The film climaxes pitting Bowden and his family against Cady.