Ein magisches Weihnachtsfest
R. Michael GivensSchauspieler:
Burt Reynolds, Jonathan Silverman, C. Thomas Howell, Lisa Sheridan, Maeve Quinlan, Darien Willardson, Dashiell Howell, Sadie Stahura, Clara Susan Morey II, Bessie Thornton, Jamee Natella, Samuel Mason PaulJack Carter (C. Thomas Howell) ist Schriftsteller, Familienvater und Bäckereibesitzer. Da es mit dem Geschäft nicht gut läuft und seine Familie sich immer mehr entfremdet, beschließt er zusammen mit seiner Frau und den beiden Kindern in den Weihnachtsurlaub zu fahren. Die Carters machen sich auf zu einer Waldhütte in den Bergen, wo Jack bereits als Kind immer Weihnachten verbracht hat. Der Urlaub gestaltet sich anders als geplant, als Jack seinen alten Freund aus Kindertagen Robert (Jonathan Silverman) wieder trifft, der dort ebenfalls mitsamt Familie die Ferien verbringt. Als Jack sieht, dass Robert weitaus besser im Leben dasteht als er selbst, fordert er seinen „Konkurrenten“ zu einem Wettbewerb auf, um ihn zumindest einmal zu schlagen und vor seiner Familie nicht mehr als absoluter Versager dazustehen. Der Plan geht nach hinten los und Jack zieht erneut den Kürzeren. Doch will seine Familie wirklich lieber einen Gewinner wie Robert in der Familie haben?
Jack Carter, a modest, middle-aged man, and owner of a bakery has found himself and his family in a rut. Not only can he not provide his family with the finer things, he has also found he is not as close to his kids as he would like to be. His 17 year-old son Kyle is constantly preoccupied with sports and will be leaving for college soon; his daughter Sienna (14) is always lost in her phone. So for the upcoming Christmas holiday, Jack has the brilliant idea to reconnect with his family while also trying to spark his desired career in writing by going on a Christmas vacation to a cabin resort in the mountains without any technological distractions - no phones, iPads, etc., and embark on their trip to have the best Christmas vacation ever! From the get-go, however, the trip seems to be doomed: their cabin is a dilapidated disaster, the kids are constantly complaining, and then Jack runs into his estranged, uber-competitive friend, Robert, who used to go on vacation with Jack to the ...
Jack Carter, a modest, middle-aged man, and owner of a bakery has found himself and his family in a rut. Not only can he not provide his family with the finer things, he has also found he is not as close to his kids as he would like to be. His 17 year-old son Kyle is constantly preoccupied with sports and will be leaving for college soon; his daughter Sienna (14) is always lost in her phone. So for the upcoming Christmas holiday, Jack has the brilliant idea to reconnect with his family while also trying to spark his desired career in writing by going on a Christmas vacation to a cabin resort in the mountains without any technological distractions - no phones, iPads, etc., and embark on their trip to have the best Christmas vacation ever! From the get-go, however, the trip seems to be doomed: their cabin is a dilapidated disaster, the kids are constantly complaining, and then Jack runs into his estranged, uber-competitive friend, Robert, who used to go on vacation with Jack to the ...