Ein Mann nimmt Rache
Phil KarlsonSchauspieler:
Joe Don Baker, Conny Van Dyke, Gabriel Dell, John Marley, Brock Peters, John Larch, Warren J. Kemmerling, Paul Mantee, Walter Brooke, Joshua Bryant, Hunter von Leer, Les Lannom, H.B. Haggerty, Michael Edwards, Hoke Howell, Lawrence MontaigneRon Louis (Joe Don Baker), ein harmloser professioneller Spieler, gerät in den Strudel der Mächtigen. Ein Polizistenmord wird ihm angehängt, sein Geld verschwindet, seine Freundin Susan Barrett (Conny van Dyke) wird vergewaltigt. Unschuldig geht er viereinhalb Jahre ins Gefängnis, doch dann nimmt er Rache. Er entlarvt eine gewaltige politische Verschwörung, in die der Sheriff, der Senator und der Staatsanwalt verwickelt sind.
Joe Don Baker plays a gambler who is framed for a crime he did not commit. A corrupt legal system leads him into a plea bargain and four years behind bars. By the time he gets out of prison, he's determined to put together the pieces of his frame-up and dole out the justice he was denied to those responsible.
Joe Don Baker plays a gambler who is framed for a crime he did not commit. A corrupt legal system leads him into a plea bargain and four years behind bars. By the time he gets out of prison, he's determined to put together the pieces of his frame-up and dole out the justice he was denied to those responsible.