Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk des Himmels
Amyn KaderaliSchauspieler:
Julianna Guill, Corey Sevier, Cheryl Ladd, Ted Atherton, Paula Brancati, Jacob Blair, Tara Joshi, Aldrin Bundoc, Troy Blundell, Jason T. Green, Patrick Haye, Phillip Jarrett, Alanna LeVierge, Tyler Murree, Oksana Zilinskas, Brooke GambleNina, eine erfolgreiche Pilotin, erfährt, dass wegen eines Wintersturms alle Flüge ausfallen. Da sämtliche Hotels ausgebucht sind, lässt sie sich darauf ein, Brady, ihren arroganten Pilotenkollegen bei ihren Eltern wohnen zu lassen. Kurze Zeit später, auf einer Familienfeier, trifft Nina auf ihren Ex-Freund. Fortan gibt sich Brady als ihr neuer Freund aus.
When a winter storm hits Cleveland and grounds flights, the nearby hotels quickly fill up with stranded travelers. Nina, a pilot, reluctantly agrees to let her arrogant but charming fellow pilot, Brady, stay at her nearby parents' home. But when they discover her family is hosting a tree trimming party that night and that her ex will be there, Brady pretends to be her boyfriend to help her out.
When a winter storm hits Cleveland and grounds flights, the nearby hotels quickly fill up with stranded travelers. Nina, a pilot, reluctantly agrees to let her arrogant but charming fellow pilot, Brady, stay at her nearby parents' home. But when they discover her family is hosting a tree trimming party that night and that her ex will be there, Brady pretends to be her boyfriend to help her out.