Eine Karte der Klänge von Tokio
Isabel CoixetSchauspieler:
Rinko Kikuchi, Sergi López, Min Tanaka, Manabu Oshio, Takeo Nakahara, Hideo SakakiNachts schlägt sich Ryu als Arbeiterin im Fischmarkt von Tokio herum. Niemand ahnt, dass sie sich als Auftragskillerin ein paar Yen dazuverdient. Der mächtige Mr. Nagara trauert um seine Tochter Midori und gibt dem spanischen Weinhändler David die Schuld an ihrem Selbstmord. Sein Angestellter Ishiru war insgeheim in Midori verliebt und heuert Ryu an, David zu töten. Zufällig wird ein Toningenieur, der eine geheime Faszination für Ryu hegt, mit in die Geschichte hineingezogen.
Ryu is a solitary girl whose fragile appearance is in stark contrast with the double life she leads, working nights at a Tokyo fishmarket and sporadically taking on jobs as a hit-woman.Mr Nagara is a powerful impresario mourning the loss of his daughter Midori, who has committed suicide. He blames David, a Spaniard who runs a wine business in Tokyo.Mr Nagara's employee, Ishida, was silently in love with Midori and hires Ryu to murder David.A sound engineer, obsessed with the sounds of the Japanese city and fascinated with Ryu, witnesses this love story which searches the shadows of the human soul, reaching deep into places where only silence has the power of eloquence.
Ryu is a solitary girl whose fragile appearance is in stark contrast with the double life she leads, working nights at a Tokyo fishmarket and sporadically taking on jobs as a hit-woman.Mr Nagara is a powerful impresario mourning the loss of his daughter Midori, who has committed suicide. He blames David, a Spaniard who runs a wine business in Tokyo.Mr Nagara's employee, Ishida, was silently in love with Midori and hires Ryu to murder David.A sound engineer, obsessed with the sounds of the Japanese city and fascinated with Ryu, witnesses this love story which searches the shadows of the human soul, reaching deep into places where only silence has the power of eloquence.