Eine offene Rechnung
John MaddenSchauspieler:
Sam Worthington, Tom Wilkinson, Helen Mirren, Ciarán Hinds1965 Ost Berlin: Drei junge Agenten des israelischen Geheimdienstes Mossad sollen einen NS-Kriegsverbrecher aufspüren und nach Israel entführen. Sie bringen den sadistischen Doktor zwar in ihre Gewalt, aber dann geht alles schief. Die drei beschließen, das Geheimnis für sich zu behalten und berichten ihren Vorgesetzten vom Erfolg der Mission. 30 Jahre später holt sie die Vergangenheit wieder ein.
Rachel Singer is a former Mossad agent who endeavored to capture and bring to trial a notorious Nazi war criminal-the Surgeon of Birkenau-in a secret Israeli mission that ended with his death on the streets of East Berlin. Now, 30 years later, a man claiming to be the doctor has surfaced, and Rachel must go back to Eastern Europe to uncover the truth. Overwhelmed by haunting memories of her younger self and her two fellow agents, the still-celebrated heroine must relive the trauma of those events and confront the debt she has incurred.
Rachel Singer is a former Mossad agent who endeavored to capture and bring to trial a notorious Nazi war criminal-the Surgeon of Birkenau-in a secret Israeli mission that ended with his death on the streets of East Berlin. Now, 30 years later, a man claiming to be the doctor has surfaced, and Rachel must go back to Eastern Europe to uncover the truth. Overwhelmed by haunting memories of her younger self and her two fellow agents, the still-celebrated heroine must relive the trauma of those events and confront the debt she has incurred.