Eine wüste Bescherung
Arlene SanfordSchauspieler:
Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jessica Biel, Adam LaVorgna, Gary Cole, Eve Gordon, Lauren Maltby, Sean O'Bryan, Kathleen Freeman, Boyd Banks, Andrew Lauer, Lesley Boone, Amzie Strickland, Natalie Barish, Mark de la Cruz, Jack Kenny, Celia KushnerAls Weihnachtsmann verkleidet wacht der eingebildete Jake wenige Tage vor dem Heiligen Abend in der kalifornischen Wüste auf. Die mißliche Lage verdankt er einer Racheaktion des Football-Teams seiner Schule. Nun hat er zwei Probleme: Erstens muß er am 24. Dezember, spätestens um 18 Uhr, wieder in New York sein, will er den vom Papa versprochenen Porsche in Empfang nehmen. Zweitens gilt es, Freundin Allie bei Laune zu halten, die ausgerechnet für die Avancen seines Erzfeindes Eddie nicht unempfänglich zu sein scheint...
Estranged from his father, college student Jake is lured home to New York for Christmas with the promise of receiving a classic Porsche as a gift. When the bullying football team dumps him in the desert in a Santa suit, Jake is left without identification or money to help him make the journey. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Allie, does not know where he is, and accepts a cross-country ride from Jake's rival, Eddie.
Estranged from his father, college student Jake is lured home to New York for Christmas with the promise of receiving a classic Porsche as a gift. When the bullying football team dumps him in the desert in a Santa suit, Jake is left without identification or money to help him make the journey. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Allie, does not know where he is, and accepts a cross-country ride from Jake's rival, Eddie.