Eiskalt wie die Hölle
Robert LeeSchauspieler:
Jeff Fahey, Erika Eleniak, Bill Dow, Jessica Amlee, Brittney IrvinDer Klimaforscher David Koch (Jeff Fahey) findet heraus, dass sich die Pole der Erde verschieben. Dieses regelmäßig auftretetende Ereignis führte auch zu der letzten Eiszeit. Nachdem sich ungewöhnliche Wetterereignisse häufen, füttert er sein Modell mit neuesten Daten aus der Arktis. Das Ergebnis: In wenigen Stunden wird die Temperatur in den betroffenen Gebieten in Äquatornähe auf den absoluten Nullpunkt sinken, -273°C.
Verzweifelt versucht er zusammen mit einigen Personen, darunter seine Ex-Frau Bryn (Erika Eleniak) und ihre Tochter, eine Spezialkammer bei seinen Labors in Miami zu erreichen, die als einziger Ort Schutz vor den extremen Temperaturen bietet.
INTER SCI climatologist Dr. David Kotzman has evidence that a shift in the Earth's polarity triggered the last Ice Age...in a single day. Now, it's happening again, and there's no time to escape. As the temperature plummets, Miami is blasted with snow and ice. Evacuation routes are jammed. The only chance David, his old flame Bryn, and a few other hopeful survivors have is to hole themselves up in a special chamber at INTER SCI. A desperate race for survival is ignited as nature's fury rages and the temperature plunges toward -459.67° F...ABSOLUTE ZERO!
INTER SCI climatologist Dr. David Kotzman has evidence that a shift in the Earth's polarity triggered the last Ice Age...in a single day. Now, it's happening again, and there's no time to escape. As the temperature plummets, Miami is blasted with snow and ice. Evacuation routes are jammed. The only chance David, his old flame Bryn, and a few other hopeful survivors have is to hole themselves up in a special chamber at INTER SCI. A desperate race for survival is ignited as nature's fury rages and the temperature plunges toward -459.67° F...ABSOLUTE ZERO!