Ute WielandSchauspieler:
Axel Prahl, Merlin Rose, Inge Maux, Christine Schorn, Jan Henrik Stahlberg, Narges Rashidi, Pheline Roggan, Roland Kaiser, Björn Meyer, Michael Specht, Julia Brand, Fabian Männel, Muriel Leonie Graf, Oliver Warsitz, Michael Eckelt, Sebastian FaustDas Leben besteht für Marko vor allem aus Tiefkühlpizzen und Rückenschmerzen. Seit fast 30 Jahren schleppt der Witwer Gefrierware für die Firma "Eisland" an die Haustüren seiner vornehmlich älteren Kundschaft. Als Marko krankheitsbedingt in Frührente muss, gerät sein Leben in Schieflage. Dabei hat Marko doch nur ein Ziel: Sein studierender Sohn soll es einmal besser haben. Anwalt oder Richter, das wäre was. Hauptsache nichts, wo man ein Namensschild tragen muss. Durch das Ableben einer Kundin eröffnet sich Marko unerwartet ein ganz neues Geschäftsmodell. Leider hat er die Rechnung ohne den neugierigen Nachbarn gemacht. Als ihm dann auch noch sein eigener Sohn auf die Schliche kommt, droht Markos Kartenhaus einzustürzen. Da begegnet ihm an der Theke sein Idol Roland Kaiser.
For Marko, life mainly consists of frozen pizzas and back pain. For almost 30 years, the widower has been hauling frozen goods for the company "Eisland" to the front doors of his mostly older customers. When Marko has to take early retirement due to illness, his life gets into imbalance. Thereby Marko has only one goal: his studying son should have it better one day. Lawyer or judge, that would be something. The main thing is no work where you have to wear a name tag. The decease of an old female customer unexpectedly opens up a whole new business model for Marko. Unfortunately, he reckoned without the nosy neighbors. To make matters worse, his own son also finds out about it. Marko's house of cards threatens to collapse. Then he meets his idol Roland Kaiser at the bar.
For Marko, life mainly consists of frozen pizzas and back pain. For almost 30 years, the widower has been hauling frozen goods for the company "Eisland" to the front doors of his mostly older customers. When Marko has to take early retirement due to illness, his life gets into imbalance. Thereby Marko has only one goal: his studying son should have it better one day. Lawyer or judge, that would be something. The main thing is no work where you have to wear a name tag. The decease of an old female customer unexpectedly opens up a whole new business model for Marko. Unfortunately, he reckoned without the nosy neighbors. To make matters worse, his own son also finds out about it. Marko's house of cards threatens to collapse. Then he meets his idol Roland Kaiser at the bar.