El otro lado de la cama
Emilio Martínez LázaroSchauspieler:
Paz Vega, Guillermo Toledo, Ernesto Alterio, Natalia VerbekeVerzweifelt berichtet Pedro seinen Freunden Javier und Sonia, dass seine Freundin Paula ihn wegen eines anderen Mannes verlassen hat und ahnt nicht, dass Javier dieser Mann ist. Emilio Lázaro inszenierte seine mit zahlreichen spanischen Filmpreisen ausgezeichnete Beziehunskomödie über Sex und Machismo als Musical mit von den Darstellern selbst gesungenen und getanzten Einlagen.
When Paula leaves her mate Pedro, he misses her and looks for comfort with his best friends, Javier and Sonia. Paula is having an affair with Javier. The cuckold Pedro tries to find who is the secret lover of Paula, and hires a private eye. Meanwhile, while comforting Pedro, Sonia has one night stand with him and Javier thinks she is cheating him with her lesbian friend Lucia.
When Paula leaves her mate Pedro, he misses her and looks for comfort with his best friends, Javier and Sonia. Paula is having an affair with Javier. The cuckold Pedro tries to find who is the secret lover of Paula, and hires a private eye. Meanwhile, while comforting Pedro, Sonia has one night stand with him and Javier thinks she is cheating him with her lesbian friend Lucia.