Empire of Lust
Ahn Sang-hoonSchauspieler:
Jang Hyuk, Kang Han-na, Shin Ha-kyun, Kang Ha-neul, Son Byung-ho, Lee Jae-yong, Choi Moo-sung, Kang Kyung-hun, Kim Da-ye, Kim Koo-taek, Ki Joo-bong, Hwang Geum-hee, Kim Sa-hee, Lee So-yoon, Oh Yeon-Jae, Jung Ji-wooKorea, im Jahre 1398, am Hofe des Königs: Kim Min-Jae, Oberbefehlshaber der Joseon-Dynastie, riskiert alles für die Frau, die er liebt. Sein Sohn Jin ist der Schwiegersohn des Königs, darf jedoch deswegen nicht bei politischen Entscheidungen mitreden, weshalb er nur nach sinnlichen Abenteuern sucht. Yi Bang-Won half seinem Vater, dem König, die Joseon-Dynastie zu gründen, wurde aber nicht zum Kronprinzen ernannt. Seine Ambitionen werden zunehmend offensichtlicher. Die Leben all dieser Personen werden schon bald schicksalhaft miteinander verbunden sein.
Aufwendig choreografierte Action, lustvoll inszenierte Erotik im Stile von „Die Konkubine“ und heimtückische Intrigen am koreanischen Hof des 14. Jahrhunderts werden in Empire of Lust zu einem beeindruckenden Leinwand-Epos verwoben.
Set in 1398. Kim Min-Jae (Shin Ha-Kyun) is the supreme commander of the Joseon Dynasty. He falls in love for the first time and for that woman he takes risks. Yi Bang-Won (Jang Hyuk) is the King’s son. He helped his father setup the Joseon Dynasty era, but he was not picked as the Crown Prince. He still holds ambitions of becoming the King one day. Jin (Kang Ha-Neul) is Kim Min-Jae’s son and the King’s son-in-law. Due to his position as the King's son-in-law, he is unable to take part in politics and only seeks out pleasure.
Set in 1398. Kim Min-Jae (Shin Ha-Kyun) is the supreme commander of the Joseon Dynasty. He falls in love for the first time and for that woman he takes risks. Yi Bang-Won (Jang Hyuk) is the King’s son. He helped his father setup the Joseon Dynasty era, but he was not picked as the Crown Prince. He still holds ambitions of becoming the King one day. Jin (Kang Ha-Neul) is Kim Min-Jae’s son and the King’s son-in-law. Due to his position as the King's son-in-law, he is unable to take part in politics and only seeks out pleasure.