Endlich Urlaub!
Jan RuzickaSchauspieler:
Petra Kleinert, Heikko Deutschmann, Hannes Jaenicke, Sonja Kirchberger, Maxime Foerste, Jaime Ferkic, Adele Neuhauser, Astrid Posner, Jean-Baptiste Vizmathy, Adina Postulka, Lee Hong ThayDie Architektin Nora will mit ihrem neuen Freund, dem erfolgreichen Anwalt Tobias Becker, einen geruhsamen Urlaub verbringen. In den Ferien auf Kreta soll Tobias, der mit Kindern nicht so gut kann, auch einen Draht zu Noras Tochter Julia und dem kleinen Ben finden. Doch die beiden Kids können Tobias nicht riechen, und es kommt noch dicker: Aufgrund einer ärgerlichen Doppelbelegung müssen Nora und Tobias sich das traumhafte Ferienhaus mit der Event-Managerin Marion und deren geschiedenem Mann Tobi teilen, denn beide Familien haben unter dem Namen Becker gebucht.
The architect Nora wants to go to Greece with her fiancé, the successful lawyer Tobias Becker. During the holidays in Crete Tobias should also find a link to Nora's children Julia and Ben. But the two kids can not smell Tobias, and it gets even thicker: Due to an annoying double occupancy Nora and Tobias have to share the dream house with the event manager Marion and her divorced husband Tobi, because both families have booked under the name Becker. While the two teens Philip and Julia quickly discover their sympathies for each other, the parents need a little longer for it ...
The architect Nora wants to go to Greece with her fiancé, the successful lawyer Tobias Becker. During the holidays in Crete Tobias should also find a link to Nora's children Julia and Ben. But the two kids can not smell Tobias, and it gets even thicker: Due to an annoying double occupancy Nora and Tobias have to share the dream house with the event manager Marion and her divorced husband Tobi, because both families have booked under the name Becker. While the two teens Philip and Julia quickly discover their sympathies for each other, the parents need a little longer for it ...