Entdecke die Mandy in Dir
Jan Markus LinhofSchauspieler:
Anna Fischer, Steve Windolf, Gitta Schweighöfer, Cosima Henman, Eko Fresh, Nadja Auermann, Sulaika Lindemann, Lena Schmidtke, Carol Schuler, Sinha Gierke, Marie-Luise Lux, Zara-Rachel SchöneckEine junge Modedesignerin hat ihre erste große Modenschau zusammen mit ihrer Mentorin, doch als diese sie übervorteilt und aus der Modenschau drängt, ist sie wieder auf sich alleine gestellt, muss zurück in ihre Heimat im Plattenbau und plant dort ihre Comeback.
Anna Fischer's career is hanging by a thread thanks to Nadja Auermann: Mandy Mutschke aka Mia Milana is an aspiring young designer and is living her dream in New York. Mia is working on her new collection with star designer Agnes van Beuyten. But Agnes senses serious competition and puts Mia out on the street. Her name is now Mandy again, she has to go back to the Berlin prefabricated building and start all over again. Active support will not be long in coming...
Anna Fischer's career is hanging by a thread thanks to Nadja Auermann: Mandy Mutschke aka Mia Milana is an aspiring young designer and is living her dream in New York. Mia is working on her new collection with star designer Agnes van Beuyten. But Agnes senses serious competition and puts Mia out on the street. Her name is now Mandy again, she has to go back to the Berlin prefabricated building and start all over again. Active support will not be long in coming...