Erwartung - Der Marco-Effekt
Martin ZandvlietSchauspieler:
Ulrich Thomsen, Sofie Torp, Anders Matthesen, Zaki Youssef, Helle Pilar Larsen, Henrik Noël Olesen, Lisa Carlehed, Thomas W. Gabrielsson, Caspar Phillipson, Mads Reuther, Luboš Oláh, Louise Gammelgaard, Zdeněk Godla, Julius Oračko, David Oláh, Joen BilleEin 14-jähriger Jugendlicher namens Marco wird in einem Zug nach Dänemark von der Polizei aufgegriffen. In seinem Besitz befindet sich der Reisepass von William Stark, der vor vielen jahren spurlos verschwand, nachdem er für ein schweres Verbrechen verantwortlich gemacht wurde. Eigenlich lag der Fall bereits bei den Akten, doch nun müssen Kommissar Carl Mørck und sein Partner Assad vom Sonderdezernat Q der Mordkommission Kopenhagen die Sache nochmal neu aufrollen. Dabei stoßen sie schnell auf eine gewaltige Verschwörung.
Krimi-Thriller nach Buchvorlage von Jussi Adler-Olsen, in dem ein jahrealter Fall neu aufgerollt wird.
When 14-year-old Marco, a homeless Romani boy, is arrested at the Danish border for possession of a missing public servant's passport, police inspector Carl Mørck and his Department Q team are tasked with finding the connection. The old case contains several suspicious elements: The public servant was accused of pedophilia shortly before he disappeared, and his case was closed unusually quickly. But the silent, traumatized Marco refuses to talk to them and it's not long before he's on the run from those who intend to kill him because of what he knows.
When 14-year-old Marco, a homeless Romani boy, is arrested at the Danish border for possession of a missing public servant's passport, police inspector Carl Mørck and his Department Q team are tasked with finding the connection. The old case contains several suspicious elements: The public servant was accused of pedophilia shortly before he disappeared, and his case was closed unusually quickly. But the silent, traumatized Marco refuses to talk to them and it's not long before he's on the run from those who intend to kill him because of what he knows.