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Agnès JaouiSchauspieler:
Jean-Pierre Bacri, Jamel Debbouze, Agnès Jaoui, Pascale Arbillot, Frédéric Pierrot, Mimouna Hadji, Florence Loiret-Caille, Anne Werner, Laurent Jarroir, Guillaume de TonquédecDie erfolgreiche Autorin Agathe steigt in den Politzirkus ein und kommt auf einer Wahlkampftour in den Ort ihrer Kindheit. In der südfranzösischen Ortschaft, wo ihre Schwester mit Familie im Haus der verstorbenen Mutter wohnt, stürmen nicht nur Erinnerungen auf sie ein. Sie hat auch mit anderen Problemen zu kämpfen. Karim, der Sohn der algerischen Haushälterin und der gescheiterte Fernsehjournalist Michel wollen mit ihr einen Dokumentarfilm über erfolgreiche Frauen drehen. Dabei haben beide nicht die geringste Ahnung davon. Dann pflegt Michel auch noch ein Verhältnis mit ihrer Schwester.
Agnes Jaoui plays a local political candidate Agathe Villanova, who returns to her childhood home in the south of France in order to help her sister Florence (Pascale Arbillot) sort through their recently deceased mother's belongings. While she's there, the son (Jamel Debbouze as Karim) of family maid (Mimouna Hadji) takes advantage of her presence and attempts to interview her as part of a documentary about successful women that he's undertaken with his film school teacher, Michel (co-writer Jean-Pierre Bacri). However, Michel's intentions aren't quite what they seem, as he's having an affair with Florence and hoping to persuade her to leave her husband.
Agnes Jaoui plays a local political candidate Agathe Villanova, who returns to her childhood home in the south of France in order to help her sister Florence (Pascale Arbillot) sort through their recently deceased mother's belongings. While she's there, the son (Jamel Debbouze as Karim) of family maid (Mimouna Hadji) takes advantage of her presence and attempts to interview her as part of a documentary about successful women that he's undertaken with his film school teacher, Michel (co-writer Jean-Pierre Bacri). However, Michel's intentions aren't quite what they seem, as he's having an affair with Florence and hoping to persuade her to leave her husband.