Eva & Adam
Caroline CowanSchauspieler:
Sonja Holm, Olle Cardell, Stella Marcimain Klintberg, Lukas Wetterberg, Jonatan Rodriguez, Liv Mjönes, Emil Algpeus, Rakel Wärmländer, Olle Einarsson, Julia Marko-Nord, Melina Lindskog Pascalidou, Björn Bengtsson, David Lenneman, Lisa Henni, Ulla Skoog, Shebly NiavaraniZum ersten Mal verliebt sein. Woher weiß man, dass man es ist? Was macht man da? Adam (Olle Cardell) kommt als neuer Klassenkamerad an und trifft Eva (Sonja Holm). Plötzlich wird alles anders. Eva hat gerade einen Anti-Jungen-Pakt mit ihrer besten Freundin Annika (Stella Marcimain Klintberg) geschlossen, weil alle Jungs auf der Welt so kindisch sind. Aber nichts ist so schön wie die erste Liebe. Und nichts ist so schwierig. Wenn Eva und Adam sich treffen, ist es schwierig, die Gefühle zu stoppen. Vielleicht sogar unmöglich.
To fall in love for the first time. How do you know? What do you do? Adam arrives as a new classmate, and meets Eva. Suddenly everything becomes different. Eva has just entered into an anti-boys pact with her best friend Annika because all the boys in the world are so childish. But nothing is as wonderful as the first love. And nothing is so difficult. When Eva and Adam meet, it is difficult to stop the emotions. Maybe impossible.
To fall in love for the first time. How do you know? What do you do? Adam arrives as a new classmate, and meets Eva. Suddenly everything becomes different. Eva has just entered into an anti-boys pact with her best friend Annika because all the boys in the world are so childish. But nothing is as wonderful as the first love. And nothing is so difficult. When Eva and Adam meet, it is difficult to stop the emotions. Maybe impossible.