Eva Braun
Simone ScafidiSchauspieler:
Andrea Riva, Susanna Giaroli, Federica Fracassi, Adele RaesPier ist ein reicher Playboy mit besten Beziehungen zu Politik und Hochfinanz. Diese lässt Pier gerne spielen zugunsten junger Proteges, die er findet unter den Künstlern und Begabten, die nicht über gute Kontakte verfügen und mit den Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise so ihre Probleme haben. Immer Montags finden sie sich ein in Piers Villa, wo der Hausherr Lust und Spiele auf den Stundenplan schreibt, bzw. seinen sexuellen Präferenzen und Perversionen freien Lauf lässt. Und wenn die Proteges brav mitspielen, verwirklichen sie vielleicht ihr Träumchen.
Eva Braun takes inspiration from the actual sex scandals in the Italian Parliament and the 120 Days of Sodoma by Marquis De Sade. This mix create a grotesque journey through power, sex and will of people who does everything to be successful. Pier is a powerful and important Mogul who keeps the power in his country. Elegant, ironical and well educated, he has a bizarre sexual instinct which is satisfied by her mistress, Romy, who collect people, men and women (musicians, directors, writers and businessmen) which agree to satisfy his weird fantasies for getting his help to the way to success. Like a Decameron, a group of people in a house meet their pride and greed for power and sex.
Eva Braun takes inspiration from the actual sex scandals in the Italian Parliament and the 120 Days of Sodoma by Marquis De Sade. This mix create a grotesque journey through power, sex and will of people who does everything to be successful. Pier is a powerful and important Mogul who keeps the power in his country. Elegant, ironical and well educated, he has a bizarre sexual instinct which is satisfied by her mistress, Romy, who collect people, men and women (musicians, directors, writers and businessmen) which agree to satisfy his weird fantasies for getting his help to the way to success. Like a Decameron, a group of people in a house meet their pride and greed for power and sex.