Every Day
Richard LevineSchauspieler:
Carla Gugino, Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Brian Dennehy, Ezra Miller, Eddie Izzard, David Harbour, Benita Robledo, Tilky Jones, Daniel Yelsky, Brianca Giancoli, Sabrina HahnNed ist überfordert: als überängstlicher Vater, dessen ältester Sohn sich als schwul outet und flügge wird; als Ehemann für seine frustrierte Frau Jeannie, die gerade ihren verbitterten, pflegebedürftigen Vater ins Haus geholt hat; und im Bürojob ohnehin, wo er für seinen durchgeknallten Chef als Drehbuchknecht für eine halbpornographische TV-Show unter groteskem Termindruck steht. Da Ned unter der Last fast zusammenbricht, verspricht eine Affäre mit der verführerischen Kollegin Robin Erholung.
Mit hochkarätigem Charakter-Star-Ensemble besetzte Indie-Familien-Dramödie um Liev Schreiber ("Salt") als gestressten, stets rechtschaffenen Kopf einer dysfunktionalen Familie, die sehr menschelnd viele lebensnahe Probleme wälzt. Im gut austarierten Feld zwischen Tragik und Komik versuchen Helent Hunt ("Was Frauen wollen"), Brian Dennehy ("The Next Three Days"), Carla Gugino ("Sucker Punch") und Eddie Izzard ("Ocean's Twelve") aus ihren Zwängen auszubrechen - das ist zwar vorhersehbar, aber glaubwürdig.
Ned (Liev Schreiber) is in the throes of a mid-life crisis. His work as a writer on an outrageous, semi-pornographic TV show is less than satisfying. His fifteen year old son has just told him he is gay and his eleven year old is afraid of, well pretty much everything. When his wife, Jeannie (Helen Hunt), moves her sick and embittered father (Brian Dennehy) from Detroit into their home in NY, it puts added stress on an already strained marriage. And when a sexy female co-worker (Carla Gugino) puts the moves on Ned, the temptation sends him spiraling. EVERY DAY is about one family's struggle to survive the unexpected curve-balls that are simply part of real life; aging and death; commitment and freedom; love and acceptance. It's an uncompromising look at an ordinary family making an extraordinary journey towards themselves and towards each other.
Ned (Liev Schreiber) is in the throes of a mid-life crisis. His work as a writer on an outrageous, semi-pornographic TV show is less than satisfying. His fifteen year old son has just told him he is gay and his eleven year old is afraid of, well pretty much everything. When his wife, Jeannie (Helen Hunt), moves her sick and embittered father (Brian Dennehy) from Detroit into their home in NY, it puts added stress on an already strained marriage. And when a sexy female co-worker (Carla Gugino) puts the moves on Ned, the temptation sends him spiraling. EVERY DAY is about one family's struggle to survive the unexpected curve-balls that are simply part of real life; aging and death; commitment and freedom; love and acceptance. It's an uncompromising look at an ordinary family making an extraordinary journey towards themselves and towards each other.