Exorzist: Der Anfang
Renny HarlinSchauspieler:
Stellan Skarsgård, Izabella Scorupco, James D'Arcy, Julian Wadham, Remy Sweeney, Andrew French, Antonie Kamerling, Ben Cross, Alan Ford, Ralph Brown, David Bradley, Eddie Osei, Israel Aduramo, Patrick O'Kane, James Bellamy, Cecilia AmatiEinst hatte der Satan Linda Blair beim Wickel, und es war eine helle Freude, ihr zuzusehen, wie sie spuckte und fluchte und einen Meter über dem Bett schwebte, nur um die katholische Kirche zu ärgern. Sie hatte schon mehrere Priester verschlissen, bevor Vater Merrin dazukam, der hartnäckig genug war, um den Teufel zu vertreiben.
Das war 1973, in William Friedkins wegweisendem Film "Der Exorzist". Ein prima Vehikel, um obszöne Schimpfwörter kennenzulernen, aber auch der erste Film seiner Art und durchaus gruselig, mittlerweile oft kopiert, jedoch nie erreicht.
Having lived through traumatizing events during WWII, Father Lankester Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to conduct archaeological excavations in British-administered East Africa. Merrin unearths an ancient Byzantine church believed have been built and then immediately buried to keep down evil from the crypt below. The natives are convinced that uncovering the church has unleashed a demon, and begin to violently clash with the British military troops. As the village rapidly disintegrates into chaos and war, Merrin must face-off with the demon which has taken possession of somebody close to him.
Having lived through traumatizing events during WWII, Father Lankester Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to conduct archaeological excavations in British-administered East Africa. Merrin unearths an ancient Byzantine church believed have been built and then immediately buried to keep down evil from the crypt below. The natives are convinced that uncovering the church has unleashed a demon, and begin to violently clash with the British military troops. As the village rapidly disintegrates into chaos and war, Merrin must face-off with the demon which has taken possession of somebody close to him.