Experiment - Keine Erinnerung. Kein Entkommen
Dan TurnerSchauspieler:
John Hopkins, Georgina French, Mehmet Ferda, David Gant, Nick Simons, Clive Ashborn, Petr Vaněk, Andrew Byron, Alysha Westlake, Molly EwinsAnna erwacht auf einer Straße in Prag und hat keine Ahnung, wer sie ist oder wie sie hierher gekommen ist. Sie irrt ziellos durch die Stadt, verfolgt von alptraumhaften Visionen.
Dann trifft sie Morgan, der ebenfalls sein Gedächtnis verloren hat.
Gemeinsam suchen sie nach Bruchstücken ihrer Erinnerung und bemerken dabei nicht, dass jeder ihrer Schritte beobachtet wird:
Die beiden Ahnungslosen sind die Hauptakteure eines Experiments, das die zwei als Marionetten einsetzt und unaufhaltsam seinem fatalen Ende entgegensteuert...
A young woman, Anna, walks the streets of a foreign city. Her mind full of pain. No memory of who she is. and plagued by nightmarish visions. Then she meets Morgan, a man who also has no memory. Forced to trust each other, the two feel a mysterious connection. A strong powerful feeling that bonds the two together Unknown to them their every action is being guided by unseen forces from the dark underground shadows of the city. Anna and Morgan are part of a frightening experiment that will have a terrifying and shocking conclusion. There is no escape in this dark psychological thriller
A young woman, Anna, walks the streets of a foreign city. Her mind full of pain. No memory of who she is. and plagued by nightmarish visions. Then she meets Morgan, a man who also has no memory. Forced to trust each other, the two feel a mysterious connection. A strong powerful feeling that bonds the two together Unknown to them their every action is being guided by unseen forces from the dark underground shadows of the city. Anna and Morgan are part of a frightening experiment that will have a terrifying and shocking conclusion. There is no escape in this dark psychological thriller