Experimenter - Die Stanley Milgram Story
Michael AlmereydaSchauspieler:
Peter Sarsgaard, Winona Ryder, Edoardo Ballerini, Jim Gaffigan, Anthony Edwards, Ned Eisenberg, Lori Singer, Taryn Manning, Anton Yelchin, John Leguizamo, Kellan Lutz, Dennis Haysbert, Emily Tremaine, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Harley Ware, Betty GabrielUnter dem Eindruck der Verbrechen der Nazis und dem zeitnah in Israel stattfindenden Eichmann-Prozess startet der Psychologieprofessor Stanley Milgram in den frühen 1960er Jahren eine aufsehenerregende Versuchsreihe. Dabei werden ganz normale Bürger gebeten, ihnen nicht näher bekannten Probanden Denkaufgaben zu stellen und ihnen im Falle des Versagens eine sich zunehmend steigernde Dosis von Stromstößen zu verpassen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass im Ernstfall recht viele Leute zum Eichmann taugen würden.
Auf Fakten basierendes Biopic über einen der spektakulärsten Menschenversuche der Geschichte.
Yale University, 1961. Stanley Milgram designs a psychology experiment that still resonates to this day, in which people think they’re delivering painful electric shocks to an affable stranger strapped into a chair in another room. Despite his pleads for mercy, the majority of subjects don’t stop the experiment, administering what they think is a near-fatal electric shock, simply because they’ve been told to do so. With Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial airing in living rooms across America, Milgram strikes a nerve in popular culture and the scientific community with his exploration into people’s tendency to comply with authority. Celebrated in some circles, he is also accused of being a deceptive, manipulative monster, but his wife Sasha stands by him through it all.
Yale University, 1961. Stanley Milgram designs a psychology experiment that still resonates to this day, in which people think they’re delivering painful electric shocks to an affable stranger strapped into a chair in another room. Despite his pleads for mercy, the majority of subjects don’t stop the experiment, administering what they think is a near-fatal electric shock, simply because they’ve been told to do so. With Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial airing in living rooms across America, Milgram strikes a nerve in popular culture and the scientific community with his exploration into people’s tendency to comply with authority. Celebrated in some circles, he is also accused of being a deceptive, manipulative monster, but his wife Sasha stands by him through it all.