Nico SommerSchauspieler:
Deborah Kaufmann, Mario, Jan Amazigh Sid, Peter TrabnerDas kann ins Auge gehen, wenn die verliebte Tochter zum Familientreffen mit den Eltern des Freundes ruft. Bei den Roths, der dicke Uwe ist Plakatkleber, die attraktive Maja Angestellte, herrscht erotische Ebbe, nicht gerade gut gelaunt machen sie sich auf den Weg nach Brandenburg, wo die reichen Eltern des Jungen in einer schicken Villa residieren. Die böse Überraschung: Ausgerechnet dessen Vater ist seit Monaten Majas Geliebter. Das Wochenende verläuft nicht gerade harmonisch.
Tragikomödie um ein Familientreffen, das ob des Beziehungschaos bei beiden Generationen aus dem Ruder läuft.
Whereas the marriage of Maja and Uwe Rath bobs along in a boring routine, daughter Alina is freshly in love with Nico. And because the young couple are serious about each other, the parents must become acquainted. That the Ohnsorg family lives in a proper castle on the outskirts of Berlin is only a problem for Uwe because Maja is facing an entirely different one: Papa Ohnsorg turns out to be her secret lover Stefan. Neither of them is letting on anything and they are glad when the good-byes are finally approaching. However, Uwe’s broken down car bestows the Ohnsorg and the Rath family with a weekend together, during which more than one bomb will be dropped.
Whereas the marriage of Maja and Uwe Rath bobs along in a boring routine, daughter Alina is freshly in love with Nico. And because the young couple are serious about each other, the parents must become acquainted. That the Ohnsorg family lives in a proper castle on the outskirts of Berlin is only a problem for Uwe because Maja is facing an entirely different one: Papa Ohnsorg turns out to be her secret lover Stefan. Neither of them is letting on anything and they are glad when the good-byes are finally approaching. However, Uwe’s broken down car bestows the Ohnsorg and the Rath family with a weekend together, during which more than one bomb will be dropped.