Fanfan und Alexandre
Alexandre JardinSchauspieler:
Sophie Marceau, Vincent Pérez, Marine Delterme, Gérard Séty, Bruno TodeschiniAls Alexandre das erste Mal Fanfan erblickt, verliebt er sich Hals über Kopf in sie. Und das, obwohl er schon seit fünf Jahren fest mit Laure liiert ist. Fantasievoll und hartnäckig umgarnt er Fanfan, die ihrerseits Alexandre ebenfalls schöne Augen macht. Doch zum ersten Kuß will es einfach nicht kommen, zu unterschiedlich sind die Vorstellungen der beiden von der wahren , der reinen Liebe. Da eröffnet Laure Alexandre , daß sie schwanger ist...
After seeing the initial passion and romance fade into a series of routine and boring relationships, Alexandre (Vincent Perez) concludes that romance ends when sex enters into a relationship. Determined to prevent this from happening with his latest love-interest—a sexy young woman named Fanfan (Sophie Marceau)—he decides that platonic love is the solution. Despite the wonderful, romantic, and inventive ways Alexandre finds for them to spend time together, Fanfan is left disappointed by his refusal to make love to her. Their exciting relationship becomes jeopardized by Alexandre's unwillingness to change his new approach to love.
After seeing the initial passion and romance fade into a series of routine and boring relationships, Alexandre (Vincent Perez) concludes that romance ends when sex enters into a relationship. Determined to prevent this from happening with his latest love-interest—a sexy young woman named Fanfan (Sophie Marceau)—he decides that platonic love is the solution. Despite the wonderful, romantic, and inventive ways Alexandre finds for them to spend time together, Fanfan is left disappointed by his refusal to make love to her. Their exciting relationship becomes jeopardized by Alexandre's unwillingness to change his new approach to love.