Feed - friss und stirb!
Brett LeonardSchauspieler:
David Field, Alex O'Loughlin, Jack Thompson, Patrick Thompson, Helene Joy, Gabby Millgate, Rose Ashton, Matthew Le Nevez, Sherly Sulaiman, Marika Aubrey, Adam Hunt, Nicholas Coghlan, Yure Covich, Connor Thompson, Peter HollowayDer rechtgläubige, australische Cybercrime-Fahnder Philipp Jackson kann Kollegen und Vorgesetzte schon mal ganz schön nerven mit seinem missionarischen Eifer betreffend die Untaten perverser Wirrköpfe in den unendlichen Sümpfen der Internet-Pornographie. Dementsprechend gering die allseitige Begeisterung, als Jackson einen neuen Staatsfeind Nummer 1 präsentiert: Einen mörderischen "Feeder", der fette Damen bis zum Platzen mästet und dann schlachtet. Jackson kennt seinen Gegner, doch leider kann er ihm keine Straftat nachweisen.
An Interpol cop from Sydney, who has his own demons, pursues a man in the United States who liberates women from the cultural norms of thinness by feeding them to gross weights. He also shows their photographs to Internet subscribers. But what else is he up to? The Aussie suspects murder or worse. The cop, Phillip Jackson, and his mark, Michael Metszencalmpf, are in a game of cat and mouse - but which is the cat?
An Interpol cop from Sydney, who has his own demons, pursues a man in the United States who liberates women from the cultural norms of thinness by feeding them to gross weights. He also shows their photographs to Internet subscribers. But what else is he up to? The Aussie suspects murder or worse. The cop, Phillip Jackson, and his mark, Michael Metszencalmpf, are in a game of cat and mouse - but which is the cat?