Felix der Kater - Der Film
Tibor HernádiSchauspieler:
Chris Phillips, Maureen O'Connell, Peter Newman, Alice Playten, Susan Montanaro, Don Oriolo, Christian Schneider, David Kolin, Michael FremerEine von ihrem Onkel bedrohte Prinzessin sendet einen ungewöhnlichen Hilferuf. Felix der Kater empfängt diesen und hüpft mit seiner Zaubertasche in ein Tor, welches Reisen zu Paralleluniversen ermöglicht. Endlich auf dem Planeten der Prinzessin angekommen, erweist sich die Rettung als sehr schwierig, denn ihr Onkel hat starke Helfer...
In another dimension, the villainous scientist Duke of Zill, with the help of his mechanical, geometric army, ultimately takes over the golden kingdom of Oriana, where Duke has just escaped exile! But Felix the Cat must bravely save Princess Oriana and restore order once again, from her terrible Uncle Zill and his smoke-belching mechanical troops before he can put his sinister plot into action! The Duke has designs on turning the beautiful pastoral kingdom into a profitable. But industrial nightmare!
In another dimension, the villainous scientist Duke of Zill, with the help of his mechanical, geometric army, ultimately takes over the golden kingdom of Oriana, where Duke has just escaped exile! But Felix the Cat must bravely save Princess Oriana and restore order once again, from her terrible Uncle Zill and his smoke-belching mechanical troops before he can put his sinister plot into action! The Duke has designs on turning the beautiful pastoral kingdom into a profitable. But industrial nightmare!