Ferien unter Palmen
Steve PurcellSchauspieler:
Megan Fox, Ben Easter, Mary-Kate Olsen, Jeff Altman, Austin Nichols, Wendy Schaal, Jamie Rose, Billy Aaron Brown, Ashley Olsen, Ashley Hughes, Markus Flanagan, Ashley Kelly, Sterling Rice, Phillip Sands, C.J. AnsellWeil ihre Eltern sie dabei haben wollen, verbringen Mary-Kate und Ashley die Winterferien im luxuriösen Atlantis-Hotel auf der Bahamas-Insel Paradise Island. Soweit nicht schlecht - doch leider müssen sie dafür auf die Klassenreise nach Hawaii mit all ihren Freunden verzichten. Trotzdem machen sie das Beste daraus und wirbeln wie ein tropischer Hurrikan über die Insel, mit reichlich respektloser Action und zuckersüßen Palmennacht-Romanzen! Doch zwischen all den Yachten, Privatjets, Surferausflügen, Tauchabenteuern, Motorrädern, Ausritten und Spaziergängen im Mondschein kommen Mary-Kate und Ashley auch noch einem Syndikat von Antiquitätenschmugglern auf die Spur!
CEO Harrison Stewart treats his family to a holiday on the Bahamas in a Mayan theme luxury resort, with his devoted workaholic executive Ziggy Grayson and his brilliant but shy son Griffen, who is secretly smitten with Madison Stewart. Hearing she has a crush on simpleton beach hunk Chad, Griffen sweetly accepts to be his Cyrano, which actually ends up proving their incompatibility. Meanwhile her twin sister Madison enjoys an affair with sea-life keeper Jordan Landers, but spoiled silver spoon Brianna wants him too and sabotages them. When Jordan is blamed for allegedly fencing stolen antiquities, Griffen and the twins dodge their meanwhile suspicious parents to find and expose the real culprit.
CEO Harrison Stewart treats his family to a holiday on the Bahamas in a Mayan theme luxury resort, with his devoted workaholic executive Ziggy Grayson and his brilliant but shy son Griffen, who is secretly smitten with Madison Stewart. Hearing she has a crush on simpleton beach hunk Chad, Griffen sweetly accepts to be his Cyrano, which actually ends up proving their incompatibility. Meanwhile her twin sister Madison enjoys an affair with sea-life keeper Jordan Landers, but spoiled silver spoon Brianna wants him too and sabotages them. When Jordan is blamed for allegedly fencing stolen antiquities, Griffen and the twins dodge their meanwhile suspicious parents to find and expose the real culprit.