Peter DeLuiseSchauspieler:
Chanelle Peloso, Zendaya, Spencer Boldman, Emilia McCarthyAls ihre Mutter wieder heiratet, muss Zoey plötzlich mit einem unordentlichen, chaotischen Haushalt, einem sehr lauten Stiefvater und drei völlig außer Kontrolle geratenen Stiefbrüdern klarkommen. Nach einem merkwürdigen Missgeschick mit ihrem Smartphone stellt Zoey jedoch fest, das sie im Besitz einer magischen App ist, mit der sie die Jungs in ihrer Umgebung kontrollieren kann. Begeistert von der Idee, etwas Ordnung in ihr Leben bringen zu können, befiehlt sie den Jungs, sich besser zu benehmen.
Zoey, a skilled dancer and straight-A student, is having a hard time adjusting after her mom remarries. Now she lives with 3 messy and rambunctious step-brothers, a loud step-dad and an unruly dog. The boys at school seem even worse, particularly the misfits on the J.V. dance squad. Nothing is going right until she discovers the dog training app on her smartphone can now control boys. Zoey uses her power to command boys to behave better, but is an app really the answer to fixing her life?
Zoey, a skilled dancer and straight-A student, is having a hard time adjusting after her mom remarries. Now she lives with 3 messy and rambunctious step-brothers, a loud step-dad and an unruly dog. The boys at school seem even worse, particularly the misfits on the J.V. dance squad. Nothing is going right until she discovers the dog training app on her smartphone can now control boys. Zoey uses her power to command boys to behave better, but is an app really the answer to fixing her life?