Fette Welt
Jan SchütteSchauspieler:
Jürgen Vogel, Thomas Thieme, Lars Rudolph, Jürgen Hentsch, Stefan Dietrich, Julia Kravitz, Sibylle Canonica, Ursula SträtzDer Obdachlose Hagen Trinker (Jürgen Vogel) führt in München mit Leidensgenossen ein trostloses Leben auf der Straße zwischen Hoffnungslosigkeit, Elend und Melancholie. Doch eines Tages tritt die Ausreißerin Judith (Julia Filimonow) in sein Leben. Nach anfänglichen Kabbeleien arrangiert sich Hagen mit flippigen 15-Jährigen und sie verlieben sich. Doch dann werden die beiden getrennt und Hagen begibt sich auf die Suche nach ihr. Hat ihre Liebe eine Chance?
Munich, Germany. Homeless people live under bridges, in boxes, in the subway. A life that is hard but manageable for those who do not want to or who cannot leave. Hagen Trinker, still quite young and definitely not out of possibilities to give his life a meaning, meets Judith. She is 15 and decided to quit home as she had a fight with her parents. Hagen has a crush on her but also wants to send her back into a life without a daily struggle for living. When she also falls in love with him, he takes this present gratefully. But their happiness is over as quickly as it started. Only that Hagen now has the will to do something with his life again.
Munich, Germany. Homeless people live under bridges, in boxes, in the subway. A life that is hard but manageable for those who do not want to or who cannot leave. Hagen Trinker, still quite young and definitely not out of possibilities to give his life a meaning, meets Judith. She is 15 and decided to quit home as she had a fight with her parents. Hagen has a crush on her but also wants to send her back into a life without a daily struggle for living. When she also falls in love with him, he takes this present gratefully. But their happiness is over as quickly as it started. Only that Hagen now has the will to do something with his life again.